Textreme Blog

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Welcome to Textreme!

07 Oct 2022

Textreme is a new kind of OCR. A simple one, one that focuses on the object of the exercise; to get your text and get on with your day. Because, let’s face it, no one gets up in the morning excited to run some documents through an OCR tool.


The scenario is simple, you have a task to do, and standing in your way is a PDF or image with your data trapped inside. Maybe it’s a bank statement that you need to load into Xero, perhaps it’s your dissertation and you’ve lost the master. No problem, upload it to Textreme, then download your text.

Want your tables as an Excel file? CSV? Or even Markdown? Go ahead. With table extraction, the formatting is preserved, because who wants to be manually copying and pasting cells around in a spreadsheet?

Textreme is a new product, and we are excited to hear your feedback. If you have a suggestion, comment, or feature you’d like to see, please share with us at info@textreme.app.

Until next time,

The Textreme team